Alumni Receive College’s Highest Honors

Created: April 10, 2014  |  Last Updated: December 17, 2019  |  Category:   |标签: ,

Congratulations to the 2013 recipients of three of 华盛顿 & 杰弗逊学院的最高荣誉.

Alumni Award for Achievement: 理查德·B. Crosbie 65
Distinguished Service Award: Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab ’74 and James Gismondi 72 (posthumously)
Outstanding Young Alumni Award: Hollis Zemany McLachlan ’06

The Alumni Executive Council (AEC) annually chooses recipients of the Distinguished Service Award, 校友成就奖, and Outstanding Young Alumni Award from a slate of many outstanding nominees.

Recipients were recognized and received their awards at the annual Homecoming Dinner.
Distinguished Service Award: Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab ’74

Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab was one of the first women to enroll at 华盛顿 & 1970年杰斐逊学院. After completing her Bachelor of Arts in psychology and sociology in 1974, Hurwitz-Schwab went on to earn a master’s in social work (clinical) from the University of Maryland School of Social Work and Community Planning in Baltimore, Md.

An active member of the College’s 校董会, Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab ’74 has served a term as chair of the external relations committee. Since joining the Board in 2004, Hurwitz-Schwab’s committee service includes: student life, audit & risk management, academic affairs, external relations and governance.

She is serving as chair of the Commemorative Public Art Committee, a committee that is fundraising for a public art project that will honor the myriad of changes that occurred during the 1970 academic year.

Distinguished Service Award (Posthumously Awarded): James F. Gismondi 72

James F. Gismondi earned his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from W&J在1972年, and went on to earn his MBA from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1974.

He held various management positions during his 25 year career at Ford Motor Strategy. In 1993, Jim served as a member of the W&J Development Council where he was appointed as Council Chairperson. He also served multiple terms on the 校董会 in support of the advancement of the College’s academic mission.

Jim’s accomplishments were multiple and varied. But perhaps his most notable was his impartial and unselfish heart, filled with compassion for anyone in need. Jim was an honored member of the Lifetime John McMillan Society.

Alumni Award for Achievement: 理查德·B. Crosbie 65

理查德·B. Crosbie is a 1965 graduate of 华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件, with a bachelor of arts in philosophy.

从W毕业后&J, Crosbie served as a First Lieutenant in the US Army Special Forces from 1965-68. Crosbie served in Vietnam from 1967-68 and was awarded the Purple Heart. 理查德·B. Crosbie is recognized for his contributions and leadership in the “green” shoe manufacturing industry.

Crosbie had a 21-year career at Nike, where he served as the global chemical engineering operations director. He is credited with reducing Nike’s volatile organic compound emissions by 90 percent, approximately 2 million gallons a month. Today, he is one of the most internationally respected experts in the chemistry of running shoes and a leader in “green” shoe manufacturing.

Crosbie is now the President for Crosbie Consulting Co., 为耐克这样的客户服务, Converse, 天伯伦, 新的平衡, 唯一的技术, 在甲, 等.

Outstanding Young Alumni Award: Hollis Zemany McLachlan ’06

Hollis Zemany McLachlan received her bachelor of arts in 2006 in theater and is an award-winning actor, 电影制作人和出版作者.

McLachlan’s award-winning directorial credits include: short documentary, “Homeless in Hollywood” (2009); feature comedy, “Pie Head: A Kinda’ True Story” (2012); and short drama, “Broken Things” (2013) 等. “Pie Head” was shot partially on the W&J campus. McLachlan received her master’s degree of education from National University in 2012.

除了电影制作, McLachlan is a published author of the all-original content book “101 Monologues for Kids!”